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Are You Secretly Tired of Sharing at Restaurants?

ModGent: Now & Ink

What's the life of a Modern Gentleman all about? Find out here, as Jason Tesauro and his collaborators share their latest discoveries and epiphanies.


Are You Secretly Tired of Sharing at Restaurants?

jason tesauro

The chef gets to showcase her taste-making range, and the diner gets to spin the wheel of curiosity without going all-in.
— Jason Tesauro, The New York Times

Jason Tesauro, the food writer behind the Modern Gentleman series of advice books, said: “The chef gets to showcase her taste-making range, and the diner gets to spin the wheel of curiosity without going all-in.

In theory, that’s wonderful, a great way to strengthen the bonds between us. The proponents of shared plates, like Mr. Tesauro, the food writer, argue that you end up sharing not only food, but also enlightening observations about the food, quips, memories from meals past. To him, plate sharing “is one of the few remaining analog community hubs.