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2901 E Broad St
Richmond, VA, 23223
United States



Writer • Photojournalist • Sommelier • Master of ceremonies

From Coachella to Kentucky Derby, London to Hong Kong, Tesauro’s career spans 20+ years and 20 countries, bridging the worlds of fine wine, cultural journalism, lifestyle education, and creative events. He specializes in food & drink, savvy & vice, travel, style, and expert storytelling across global platforms as published author, TV host, ambassador, performance poet, and educator.

Currently writing…

L’AVVENTURA: On earning dual citizenship and moving the family to Italy.

In early 2025, Tesauro announced his forthcoming move to Verona in the Veneto region of Northern Italy. Follow along with The Adventure and daily sidebar – L’Avventura Curiosità – on his Substack.



A deck of playing cards collaged of maps from overseas adventures, backyard birds of the Southeast, clacked words from a vintage Underwood typewriter, and lines from The Phantom Tollbooth.

Back side of the deck features playful and poeticized anagrams of:
playing cards by tesauro
build racy pagan oysters / pains clergy you bastard / cry sin deploy rutabagas / god runs a spicy betrayal / grand suitors play by ace / dares baring a lusty copy / you spy cabaret darlings / aptly gay cobra sundries / inescapably rad rug toys / carbonated girls say yup


Designed not merely for those who dig playing cards, the Cardinal Points Deck is a splendid gift for enthusiasts of birds, maps, travel, literature, poetry, objet d’art, collectibles, and handmade things.



Looking to follow?

He’S (mostly) traded social media
for a subscription-based platform